18 amazing algae facts to help you enjoy, understand, and respect one of the world’s most important organisms

Think all this green goo is good for is making your garden pond all mucky? Think again…

Algae is a funny old thing. This group of photosynthesising aquatic organisms come in many shapes and sizes (but mostly very, very small) and you’ll probably recognise them from kelp and seaweed, but there is a lot more to them than that. For example, algae are a critical part of the food chain, as well as producing a huge amount of the oxygen we breath.

Here are a few vital algae facts to help you enjoy, understand, and respect one of the world’s most important organisms.

Bloom: From Food to Fuel, the Epic Story of How Algae Can Save Our World by Ruth Kassinger is available from 4 July 2019 (£16.99, Elliott & Thompson)

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Source: https://www.sciencefocus.com
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